Often, the best way to get your business in front of people is to explore the world of business networking. Whether it’s a big event, a professional group, or just one-on-one meetings over coffee, networking can be an integral part of the business success for franchise owners.
How often do you network? Is it a regular part of your schedule, or just something you do when you find the time? Most find that keeping a regular networking schedule can be a huge benefit.
There are a few reasons why franchise owners don’t network:
- They feel they are too busy
- They do not know when networking opportunities are happening
- They are more of an introvert, and the thought of networking is horrifying!
Those can all be good excuses, but networking is such an important tool in doing business, especially if you’re an entrepreneur, that we would like to offer a few tips to help your networking skills take off!
Franchise Owners Should Know When Local Opportunities Occur
As the owner of a franchised business, you have a brand that is familiar to many, and you should be a cornerstone in the community. Local networking events are the best way to let other business owners and leaders see the face behind the brand.
How do you find out about events? Local Chambers of Commerce and Professional Business Associations are a terrific way to keep a tab on those events. These organizations are dedicated to boosting businesses in their communities and towns.
Create Your Own Event
Why not host your own networking event? You can hold it at a local restaurant, bar, or coffee shop. Or better yet, hold it at your business! Let people see what you’re all about!
Make Networking An Important Part of Your Schedule
You keep a calendar for important business matters, right? So why not put networking on your calendar, and stick to it? Networking can be just as important to your company as meeting with vendors and other business affiliates.
Be Zig Ziglar
The great Zig Ziglar once said, “You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”
Greater words were never spoken.
Try to help the people you meet before expecting to get leads and referrals from them. Once someone realizes you are invested in their success, they will be invested in yours.
Invite Your Employees to Networking Events
Your employees are just as much the face of your franchised business as you are, so why not invite them to networking events with you? The more friendly, professional members of your business family that other business owners and managers can meet, the more apt they are to remember you and help your business succeed.
Franchise Owners Need to Follow Up
No matter how you meet people while networking, if you don’t follow up with them, it could all be for naught.
A quick phone call, a short email, or even a hand-written card can help you stick out in the crowd. Let those people know that you were genuinely happy to meet them, and you would like to connect again in the future. This small gesture can do wonders!
There are hundreds of other great networking tips out there, and we encourage you to look them up. Becoming the best networker you can be can only help you take your franchised business to the next level!
Franchise Matchmakers is a team of franchising professionals that are dedicated to helping people explore business ownership as a career path. Contact them at info@franchisematchmakers.com to find out more about franchising options that are perfect for you.