Why Support Matters to Franchisees


The Year of the Pandemic has been a tough one for many. Lockdowns, limited business hours, state mandates. There have been so many rules in this “new world” that made it an uphill battle to do business.

However, if there has been a silver lining, we have learned that we do not have to go it alone. There are so many resources out there that can help an entrepreneur get through almost anything. From local Chambers and Business Associations to virtual networking groups and accountability partners, we know that there is always someone that has our back.

One type of business model provides more support than others, though. Franchising.

When you make the decision to buy a franchised business, you are joining a support group unlike any other. The franchisor, along with the other franchise owners, are truly invested in you. Your success is their success.

Here are just a few ways that the franchise model support system sets you up for future success.

Startup Worries

Franchising keeps you from the worries of crossing every “t” and dotting every “i”. Issues such as trademarking, attorney and financing questions, creating your brand (logos, artwork, etc.) and vendors are often taken care of for you. The franchisor will guide you through the process of getting up and running and making sure that you are ready to represent the brand they have taken so much care to create.

Built-in Team

When you start a business on your own, you are responsible for creating your own contacts and support team. But with a franchise, you will always have a team that you can count on for the advice you need. Have legal questions? Need accounting advice? Need to know what vendor to use? Your franchisor has your back.

During times of distress, such as the pandemic, most franchisors have plans in place to help their franchisees succeed. These can be anything from creating pivots that can guide you through the fog, to supplying resources that can help you and your employees on more personal levels.

Competition or Friend?

What if you had someone to talk to that was in the same business but wasn’t a competitor? With franchising, you have just that.

Because most franchisees have specific territories, you are rarely in direct competition with them. Many of these owners are happy to chat with you, offering advice on what makes them successful. Because you all share the same brand, you all are invested in each other’s success. No one wants to own a business where other locations with the same brand are not doing well.

The Bottom Line

Wouldn’t it be easier to own a business that has a high rate of success, and where you have almost unlimited support? And wouldn’t it be great to have a team behind you to celebrate your wins? The answer to both of those questions is…yes.

Frequently Asked Questions About Buying a Franchise

You’ve got questions about buying a franchise and we’ve got answers about buying a franchise (while we are based in Denver, Colorado we service the entire US). Read our Franchise Buying FAQs HERE

Call on the Professionals for Advice If you are thinking of buying a franchise in Denver, Colorado or elsewher on the Unted States and need the help of an experience franchise broker, call on the team at Franchise Matchmakers today (888) 347-5187. We know that buying a franchise involves many important decisions, and we don’t want you to have to go it alone. Our goal at Franchise Matchmakers is to help identify the right franchise opportunity based on your skills, interests, and business goals.

Franchise Matchmakers is a team of franchising professionals that are dedicated to helping people explore business ownership as a career path.  Contact us at  info@franchisematchmakers.com to find out more about franchising options that may suit you.