We are always telling you that one of the best paths to success for an entrepreneur is franchise ownership. Investing in a known brand with top-notch support can make the difference when it comes to being your own boss.
We are also always telling you about the freedom that being an entrepreneur brings, and about how amazing escaping the cubicle can be. Yes, the life of an entrepreneur is truly a blessed one.
But is entrepreneurship always a garden of roses? Absolutely not, and we would never lead you to believe that. Like any other profession, there are awesome ups, and painful downs. But overall, the ride is wild (in a good way)!
What Does an Entrepreneur’s Day Look Like?
First, think about hats. Yes, hats. Daily, an entrepreneur must wear many hats. They can be a marketer, a networker, a boss, a buyer, a seller, a negotiator…and on some days, they are all of those. It is difficult to be an entrepreneur without mastering many of those skills (or at least knowing other people who have mastered them and can help you!).
Most entrepreneurs wake up early in the morning, their minds teeming with what needs to be done for the day. After a nourishing breakfast and some type of workout (good health is optimal for an entrepreneur to function), it is off to the races.
Whether it is prepping their shop, going over contacts and potential clients, or perusing their calendar for the daily appointments, a set morning routine is the lifeblood of an entrepreneur. Going into a day blind can be chaotic, and chaos leads to unproductive days (an entrepreneurs worst enemy!).
An entrepreneur knows, that when it comes to an appointment, their client’s time is just as important as their own. Being early (not just on time) is the thing. As the late John Wooden once said, “If you’re 10 minutes early, you’re ten minutes late.” So, even on the busiest days, they do not over-book, and they give themselves plenty of time to make the next appointment.
If the entrepreneur has employees, a big part of the day means giving them everything they need. Are they getting the work-related support they need? Are they happy at work? At home? Are they getting the work-life balance they deserve? There are a hundred different issues when it comes to an employee, and a great boss needs to be able to help with every one of them.
Then there are the clients. Sometimes they are not as happy as they should be. Is the entrepreneur taking care of their needs? Remember, a happy customer tells seven people about their experience, and an unhappy one tells 13. Those are numbers to consider.
Entrepreneurship Can be an Adventure
Some days, an entrepreneur’s life is run, run, run. Other days, it can be run, walk, wait, wait, run. You can either look at that as excruciating, or as an adventure. A true entrepreneur will look at it as an adventure.
Now let’s talk about the one question every entrepreneur needs to ask. They are constantly taking care of employees and customers, but…are they taking care of themselves?
We mentioned earlier that a nutritious breakfast and some exercise are important to achieve success. But that is such a small part of keeping yourself happy. An entrepreneur needs to work hard, but also needs more. They need to spend time–valuable time–with family and good friends. They need to have a hobby. They need to explore personal growth, such as reading or taking classes. In other words, a great entrepreneur needs to be more than just their business. They must invest in themselves. And when that happens, the business can only get better.
Is being an entrepreneur for everyone? No. But for those who can embrace the life and make it work, the rewards can be amazing!
Franchise Matchmakers is a team of franchising professionals that are dedicated to helping people explore business ownership as a career path. Contact them at info@franchisematchmakers.com to find out more about franchising options that are perfect for you.