Zig Ziglar once said “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing, that’s why we recommend it daily.” No truer words were ever spoken!

No matter how self-sufficient we as entrepreneurs think we are, there are times when we need a little something extra to kick us up a notch. And we can usually find those in the wise words of those who have done great things themselves.

So, we hope some of the following quotes can help you during the rough patches and get you back on the right path!


“I knew that if I failed I wouldn’t regret that, but I knew the one thing I might regret is not trying.” – Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO Amazon

“Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.” – Mary Kay Ash, Founder Mary Kay Cosmetics

“It’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen.” – Scott Belsky, co-founder Behance

“When I’m old and dying, I plan to look back on my life and say ‘wow, that was an adventure,’ not ‘wow, I sure felt safe.’” – Tom Preston-Werner, co-founder Github

“Embrace what you don’t know, especially in the beginning, because what you don’t know can become your greatest asset. It ensures that you will absolutely be doing things different from everybody else.” – Sara Blakely, founder SPANX

“High expectations are the key to everything.” – Sam Walton, founder Walmart

“The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it.” – Debbi Fields, founder, Mrs. Fields Cookies

“Empower yourself and realize the importance of contributing to the world by living your talent. Work on what you love. You are responsible for the talent that has been entrusted to you.” – Catharina Bruns, Founder WorkIsNotaJob

“I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.” – Steve Jobs, co-founder, CEO, Chairman Apple Inc.

“Fail often so you can succeed sooner.” – Tom Kelley, founder Ideo

“Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure.” – Napoleon Hill

“Chase the vision, not the money, the money will end up following you.” – Tony Hsieh, CEO Zappos


We hope these great quotes get you through any bumps in the road you may encounter on your road of entrepreneurship!

Franchise Matchmakers is a team of franchising professionals that are dedicated to helping people explore business ownership as a career path.  Contact us at  info@franchisematchmakers.com to find out more about franchising options that may suit you.
